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The Biggest Treasure

The young man, who continued to read the book throughout this adventure, reached at the end of the book. The day he will read the last page was the day he will also marry the sultan's daughter. [...]

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Dustcart Law

Bottom line is, successful people wouldn’t let their days to be hold of by other people’s garbage trucks. Life is too short to start a day with regrets, so, “Love people who treats you right. For [...]

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What is being wise?

As the hour is part of the day, I am a part of such a whole. Hours are temporary so am I. My job is to do what I can and not take into consideration anything further. For a cruise, I select the [...]

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A king got a relentless disease. All the doctors in his kingdom came to the palace. The doctors in the neighbour countries were called as well. But no remedy was found. The king was getting [...]

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